Tag Archives: advice

Thank you! Yes, you!

I just wanted to write a quick thank you post to all of you and let you know I’m appreciative. I know this blog is still small, and 50 followers may not seem like much, but it is to me. It is way more than I thought I’d have when I started this thing back in October. I figured I’d be posting for only a handful of people, and that my followers would most likely just be my mom and husband or something.  So thank you for following me, reading what I have to say, liking, commenting, and reblogging. It’s really such an awesome thing. I know you don’t have to take the time to read my posts or follow up with comments so thanks for giving me your time. I will always comment back. I’ve also enjoyed following many of you in return and discovering some wonderful posts and people to connect with.

I started this blog because I knew my school English course was going to be on New Media & Publishing and building a writer’s platform, but I also really wanted to start meeting people in this crazy writing world. I live in a small town where you either become a nurse or a coal miner so saying you want to be an author isn’t exactly looked highly upon. It’s often followed up with comments telling me I should become a teacher so I have a real job to fall back on.

It’s been wonderful sharing my excitement for writing and reading with other aspiring writers and passionate readers. I know I’m still finding my way; my posting could be more consistent, and I could do a better job networking with all of you. But honestly this new media stuff is new to me, and I’m still learning it. I hope that in between going to school and writing new projects that I will start doing a better job with this blog and actually using my Twitter more. Eventually I might make one of those nifty “author” Facebook pages too.

Again, thank you for sticking with me. I’ll take this chance to ask you guys if there are any certain things you would like me to post about in the future. Did I touch on a subject you wanted more information on? Do you want to know anything more personal? Should I post more original work? What would you like to see on this blog? What advice do you have for me? Reply in the comments if you have a suggestion. I will gladly carry out your requests and link back to you in the corresponding post. Thanks for your support and feedback these last couple of months!

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